Aceite corporal de cártamo
Piel brillante
Hola resplandor. uQueen Organics® adopta un enfoque natural eficaz para lograr una piel radiante. El ingrediente clave, cártamo, hidrata la piel grasa y seca a muy seca.
Revitaliza la piel con nuestro aceite de cártamo. Aplicar sobre la piel limpia (húmeda o seca), masajear suavemente y disfrutar de una hidratación natural y un brillo radiante.
Nuestro aceite corporal nutre profundamente e hidrata naturalmente tu piel brindándote un brillo saludable. El cártamo lucha contra las imperfecciones y los brotes y mejora la apariencia general de la piel. El aceite de soja promueve una piel de apariencia joven al restaurar y mejorar la barrera cutánea con su potente suministro de vitamina E, omegas y ácidos grasos. El aceite de coco es hidratante y lucha contra la pérdida transepidérmica de agua (TEWL). El aceite de ricino es un humectante natural e hidrata profundamente la piel con su riqueza pura. El aceite de oliva es un exfoliante/limpiador suave que calma la piel seca e irritada. El aceite de ylang-ylang es antibacteriano y ayuda a proteger la piel mientras alivia el estrés de forma natural. El aceite de lavanda es antiinflamatorio y actúa para matar las bacterias, reduciendo las posibilidades de brotes de acné. El aceite de cedro contiene una gran cantidad de beneficios, uno de los cuales es equilibrar y reducir/purgar las imperfecciones de la piel.
Aceite de cártamo, Aceite de soja, Aceite de coco, Aceite de ricino, Aceite de oliva, Aceite esencial de ylang-ylang, Acetato de tocoferilo, Aceite esencial de lavanda, Aceite esencial de cedro.

Shop by Needs
The uQueen Organics Tropical Skincare Line is distinctively crafted in the lush landscapes of Bali, Indonesia, leveraging the island's rich biodiversity and traditional herbal wisdom. Our products are infused with exotic, locally sourced ingredients like Balinese hibiscus, papaya, and coconut, which are renowned for their potent skin-nourishing properties. Each formulation is a testament to our commitment to purity, sustainability, and effectiveness, offering a unique blend of nature's best to deliver radiant, healthy skin.
Sustainability is at the heart of our tropical skincare line. We prioritize ethical sourcing, ensuring that all ingredients are harvested responsibly to support the environment and local communities in Bali. Our packaging is currently plastic with the goal of changing that once our growth allows. It is part of our long term mission to ensure that we are taking care of our planet.
Absolutely! The uQueen Tropical Skincare Line is formulated to cater to a diverse range of skin types and concerns. Our gentle yet effective products are enriched with natural ingredients that soothe, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin without causing irritation. Whether you have sensitive, dry, oily, or combination skin, our tropical skincare line offers tailored solutions to enhance your skin's natural beauty.
Among our beloved hero products are the Papaya Hibiscus Face Serum and the Shea Coconut Face Hydrator. The Papaya Hibiscus Face Serum harnesses the power of papaya enzymes and hibiscus extract to gently exfoliate, brighten, and even out skin tone, revealing a luminous complexion. The Shea Coconut Face Hydrator is a deeply moisturizing cream that combines shea butter and coconut oil to nourish, repair, and soften the skin, leaving it supple and glowing. Together, these products embody the essence of tropical luxury, offering a skincare experience that revitalizes both the skin and the senses.