DIY Skin Treatments

Goldi's Tips on DIY Skin Treatments
There's nothing more beautiful than glowing and luminous skin. And the best recommendation to achieve this 'golden' look: take a trip to "Pamperville'. If you're a fan of treating yourself in the safety of your home, using products that you can find in and around your humble abode, then Goldi has you covered! Clean, soak, scrub and oil your way to a more fantastic you with these effective DIY spa treatment tips.
Fabulous Facial
Looking for a fabulous facial? Let's take you through the quick and easy steps.
Step 1: Open those thirsty pores of yours by steaming your face (putting it over hot water, as hot as you can bear it) for five to 10 minutes. You can choose to extract those white heads and black heads or jump on over to step two: exfoliate but make it gentle.
Step 2: Apply exfoliating scrub, a combination of olive oil and brown sugar. Make as much as possible because you will need it for your stepping pair and body later on. Be sure to wash off with warm water or cool water.Step 3: Go ahead and put on your toner, apple cider vinegar.
Step 4: Create a tissue with egg white face masks and apply accordingly, covering the area. This helps to remove white heads and clean your pores.
Step 5: For an even greater cleanse and a smooth finish, make a turmeric mask, which basically consists of turmeric powder with aloe vera, plant or the gel. Keep on for 2-5 minutes or until it's dry. Wash off with regular room temp water. But be careful, turmeric can stain.
Step 6: Moisturize with Vitamin E. Here's an interesting trick, you can purchase the capsules, cut it and take out the oil. Shea butter is a winning choice too.
Soothing 'Foot-cial'
Soak it out: Add 1 cup of regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar to a pan of warm water. Soak feet for 10-15 minutes. You may also use epsom salts if you're not into the smell of vinegar.
Scrub it out: Apply the previously mentioned olive oil scrub and brown sugar to skin in circular motion. Now would be a good time to put your massaging skills to the test. Scrub your foot with a buffer - the grittier, the better. Then add a little more warm water and let it soak for a further 5-10 minutes.
Mask your feet: this pampering procedure is optional. But if you want to maximize on smooth and healthy skin and put a pep in your step, then make a turmeric, oats and milk paste. Apply and let it stay on for 5-10 minutes. Wash it off and dry your feet.
Moisture time: Once you have done that, lather your silky pair with vaseline and put both feet in a cling wrap or plastic, and socks. Keep it on for as long as you can, could be 10 minutes, or overnight. Just let the magic happen!
The Beauty of Body Scrub
Body scrubs functions like your very own reset button. It assists in the cleansing process by removing dead cells and making room for lively refreshing ones. It also helps to relieve stress. Awesome, right? Try this: immerse your body in lukewarm water for 5 minutes or more. Apply the olive oil and sugar exfoliating scrub in circular motion at cellulite zones and acne prone areas. Rinse body with warm water and pat dry. Then tell me how you feel.
Enjoy your pampering party - you deserve it. And remember, stay gorgeous, stay glamorous and of course, Stay Golden.